[squid-users] example of ecap code that filters incoming requests by filter ?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jan 5 08:27:07 UTC 2016

On 5/01/2016 5:46 p.m., Nir Krakowski wrote:
> Hi Alex, I meant that the filter is of the HTTP of the client-request and
> not the client-response or server-response.
> From what I've seen there is no example that monitors headers if at all
> possible.
> what I'm looking for is something like url_rewrite/redirect but based on
> headers as input to my filter.
> headers such as User-Agent for example.

So an ICAP REQMOD pre-cache adaptor.

> Any of examples like those exist via ecap or redirect ? or does it require
> a hack into squid ?

Huh? why would it require a hack of Squid to provide documentation
examples for some non-Squid software?


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