[squid-users] Configure Question

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Feb 24 21:02:54 UTC 2016

On 24/02/2016 11:09 p.m., Robert Cooper wrote:
> Okay I just Had to get Satellite Internet After my ISP ditches my
> whole area. Any way I have squid3 running on my Server 2012 box. I am
> wanting to know if you can set it up to only update between 2-8 am.
> To update old pages or how ever it works. I think that is my free
> time. No one uses the internet at my home during the day. Just didn’t
> want it to use more bandwidth. OR am i looking at this the wrong way.
> First time i have had to mess with anything like this.

 Hi Robert,

Updates to cached content only happen for the specific objects asked
for, and in as efficient a manner as HTTP/1.1 permits. Unused objects or
once-off requests just age out and disappear with zero bandwidth costs
once they are no longer used.

Squid only uses bandwidth if it is explicitly asked to by a client. So
if nobody is using HTTP, there will not be anything happening. (There
are two exceptions here - if you have a cache_peer configured, there may
be netdb and cache-digest exchanges periodically between the proxies).

If you are seeing HTTP usage during off-hours then it is the machinery
of your network itself doing the requests. For this type of traffic you
could setup a "time" type ACL in the miss_access directive to deny
Internet usage during certain hours. This also leaves you with
access.log entries to investigate what is going on in those off-hours.

 acl offline time MTWHFSU 02:00-08:00
 miss_access deny offline
 miss_access allow all


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