[squid-users] tcpkeepalive http_port directive

Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca
Wed Feb 17 20:45:17 UTC 2016

Hi all,

We host some online catalogs for a customers.
Those online catalogs are slow to answer to the http requests sometimes.

I would like to extend the timeout before Squid show us an error page.

I checked in the http_port directive and I saw that
                          Enable TCP keepalive probes of idle connections.
                          In seconds; idle is the initial time before TCP starts
                          probing the connection, interval how often to probe, and
                          timeout the time before giving up.

How shoud I use it ???
http_port xx.xx.xx.xx:80 tcpkeepalive=60 accel defaultsite=... name=...
didnt work...

Thanks you very much for your answer!


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