[squid-users] making 204s cachable again

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Aug 18 04:36:54 UTC 2016

On 18/08/2016 12:29 p.m., Jim Ford wrote:
> I recently upgraded to Version 3.5.10.  I'm using it as a regular as

Please keep going. 3.5.20 is current and all releases older than 3.5.19
have security issues.

> well as a reverse proxy.  In both cases I've noticed that what were
> formerly cachable requests that resulted in a 204 response, are now
> always resulting in a MISS.  The only hits I'm getting are negative
> when the requests are close together.  Is there a configuration
> option I can use to force normal caching and have it obey the
> expiration?  I don't want to just increase the negative caching time.

What are the HTTP headers on those responses?


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