[squid-users] Helppppp

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon Aug 15 10:28:14 UTC 2016

On 13/08/2016 1:29 a.m., Michel wrote:
> Hello everyone. I have the following problem. The squid server has
> the system time correctly however messages squid out with 5 hours
> ahead. For example, when you do not have access to a restricted
> website through squid that's where you put Generated Thu, 22 Jan 2015
> 18:45:05 GMT and are 1:45 pm Anyone know the solution?

The Internet runs in timezone UTC, and in HTTP that is labeled "GMT" for
historic reasons. There is no AM/PM in UTC 24hr time.

The reason for that is at any given second of the day it will be 1:45 pm
somewhere on the planet. You never can be completely certain what
timezone your clients are coming from. Particularly when they are ones
not allowed to use the proxy or something - those rejected visitors are
the ones most likely *not* to be in your known local/acceptible network.


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