[squid-users] How can I complete this tutorial?

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sat Aug 13 09:24:02 UTC 2016

On Saturday 13 August 2016 at 10:56:12, james82 wrote:

> is i have to do anything out like iptables?


> i have start squid with service squid start,

Good.  I trust that no errors were reported this time.

> but how to gonna use it?

1. Configure your browser to use the proxy - that means telling your browser 
the IP address of your Squid machine, and to connect on port 3128.

2. Try to access some URL in your browser (preferably one you haven't visited 
before, to avoid any possibility of getting a locally-cached copy).

3. Look at Squid's access log (which is probably at /var/log/squid3/access.log 
on your system) and make sure it has entries for the URL you just visited.

If you run into problems at any stage, please give us as much information as 
you can to tell us what you have done, and what went wrong, so that we know 
what you did and can advise on what to do differently.

Please remember that if you do not tell us what you tried, or how you found 
out there was a problem, we can only guess, and that is unlikely to be 



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