[squid-users] squid 3.5.x/4.x on embedded system. Anybody ?

reinerotto augustus_meyer at gmx.net
Thu Aug 4 09:37:27 UTC 2016

I have the impression, that these squid versions are much more
memory/CPU-hungry compared to good old 2.7
Any users out there, to share some experience ?

I am running 3.5.20 on a 580MHz MIPS CPU, with 128MB RAM.
So my system is limited in many aspects, and I try some tuning.
For example, recent firefox has a limit of 900 server conns. Which might be
some stress to intercepting squid on my small machine. Especially, as now
persistent conns are default. So I set persistent client conns to off, which
seems to speed up browsing.

View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/squid-3-5-x-4-x-on-embedded-system-Anybody-tp4678754.html
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