[squid-users] New to proxies

Mike mcsnv96 at afo.net
Wed Apr 20 14:42:51 UTC 2016

These are code words, they're looking to setup proxies to bypass 
filters, corporate networks, school blocks, and other setups designed to 
restrict their use (which they agreed to by using these limited 
networks). Another possibility is scammer/spammer using a virus with a 
proxy to reroute all sales based terms through their compromised links 
instead of legitimate searches and retailers, instead sending them to 
sellers of fake items in China and the Middle East.

On 4/20/2016 9:02 AM, Antony Stone wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 April 2016 at 14:34:07, cjwengler wrote:
>> I use the proxies for my sneaker program and I need one proxy per account
>> for that.
> Why?
>> Sometimes I run up to 1000 accounts.
> Do you have 1000 IP addresses?
>> The proxies are used for purchasing sneakers and clothing on sites such as
>> Nike, Adidas, Supreme, Footlocker, Eastbay, Champs, Finishline, etc.
> And, er, why are proxies, indeed multiple ones, needed for this?
> Antony.

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