[squid-users] squid-cache.org misconfigured

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Sun Apr 10 18:20:49 UTC 2016

I do not know the reason but it seems that:



have couple things which can solve the issue using the:


    - Added the --usermap/--groupmap/--chown options for manipulating file

      ownership during the copy.


I will try to update the bugzilla report later to have this info with hope that it will be resolved.




From: Yuri Voinov [mailto:yvoinov at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 2:58 PM
To: Eliezer Croitoru; squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] squid-cache.org misconfigured


Hash: SHA256 
I've go to project site some times per day - tracking nev snapshots/fixed bugs. So, periodic downtime is annoying.

10.04.16 17:54, Eliezer Croitoru пишет:
> Hey Yuri,


      > I will try to put up a "status" page for some of the project

      web services in order to describe\explain the current status of

      the down time.


      > How long is it "long enough" that you mean\know?


      > If for example the project page would be down for a whole day

      as a rest day it would be acceptable if the work days and hours

      are during the week.

      > If the case is that an upgrade\update of systems is done only

      on weekends without preparations during the week then it would be

      very acceptable to not have down time during the weekend.


      > I do not know RedHat or SUSE and others policy of

      updates\upgrades\patches and other things but they do not reveal

      to me their "secret" for high up-time.

      > My assumption is that it requires more "time" more "work

      hours" more "voluntaries" and many other things which are too much

      for a single human to handle by himself alone.


      > Eliezer


      > * I believe that more support for any project is one of the

      big secrets of the black magic of up-time.


      > On 10/04/2016 14:31, Yuri Voinov wrote:

      >> Yep, I understand. Simple this occurs some often and take

      long enough time.


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