[squid-users] Squid 3.5.16-1 is available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (online repo ubuntu.diladele.com)

Rafael Akchurin rafael.akchurin at diladele.com
Mon Apr 4 17:21:19 UTC 2016

Greetings everyone,

The Squid 3.5.16-1 package for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is now available. This version is recompiled using Squid DEB source from Debian Testing with some changes required to support SSL bump / libecap3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. 

* Original release notes are at http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/squid-3.5.16-RELEASENOTES.html 
* The online repo is at http://ubuntu.diladele.com 
* Tutorial showing how we rebuilt Squid 3.5.16 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS http://docs.diladele.com/tutorials/build_squid_ubuntu14/index.html 
* Scripts we used to build it are at https://github.com/ra-at-diladele-com/qlproxy_external/tree/master/src/squid.ssl/scripts.squid3

If you have installed previous version 3.5.15-1 from this repo then please run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade".  Please also check that your current squid.conf file from previous version is not overwritten. 

If you are installing this version for the first time run the following commands:

    # add repo
    echo "deb http://ubuntu.diladele.com/ubuntu/ trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.diladele.com.list

    # update the apt cache
   apt-get update

   # install 
   apt-get install libecap3
   apt-get install squid-common
   apt-get install squid 
   apt-get install squidclient

All questions/comments and suggestions are welcome at support at diladele.com or here in the mailing list.

Best regards,
Rafael Akchurin
Diladele B.V. 

Please take a look at Web Safety - our ICAP based web filter server for Squid proxy at http://www.diladele.com.

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