[squid-users] On what methods does url filtering needs to apply?

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Mon Sep 28 23:16:50 UTC 2015

OK then,

Your logic kind of adds-up to me.
So basically if a system doesn't touch OPTIONS\PUT\OTHER methods it can 
cause issues and the arguments of the sysadmin I encountered is kind of 
non realistic for most cases but can apply to a very specific environment.

And the result would be that I would need to take in account that each 
and every request from squid may pass the ICAP service and needs to be 


* I am just finishing the basic tests of the ICAP service(for REQMOD 
only) I have written and that will be published later.

On 29/09/2015 00:31, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> I see no logical connection from "the main subject [is] content in the
> body" and "[checking] OPTIONS [bodies] might not be required". Since
> OPTIONS responses may have a body, and you said that you want to block
> abusive content in the body, it seems logical to filter OPTIONS.
> Alex.

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