[squid-users] Lots of "Vary object loop!"

FredB fredbmail at free.fr
Wed Sep 23 16:42:59 UTC 2015

> It happens without disk caches too. Was anyone able to reproduce it?

Same messages here, some days many, some days not one, a message among others

2015/09/23 13:50:33 kid1| WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: Bad header encountered from http://www.cdiscount.com/auto/porte-velos/l-13360-2.html AKA www.cdiscount.com/auto/porte-velos/l-13360-2.html
2015/09/23 13:55:14 kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to '6.perf.msedge.net'
2015/09/23 13:55:44 kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to '6.perf.msedge.net'
2015/09/23 13:56:15 kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to '6.perf.msedge.net'
2015/09/23 13:56:29 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "43572-1442488958000" ? "43572-1442488958000"
2015/09/23 14:08:20 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:08:31 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:08:38 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:09:34 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "93324-1341477620000" ? "93324-1341477620000"
2015/09/23 14:09:34 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "93504-1438151092000" ? "93504-1438151092000"
2015/09/23 14:09:34 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "33901-1438151736000" ? "33901-1438151736000"
2015/09/23 14:12:47 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:12:57 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:13:22 kid1| clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
2015/09/23 14:14:00 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:14:21 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:14:26 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:14:47 kid1| clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
2015/09/23 14:14:47 kid1| clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
2015/09/23 14:17:16 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "33720-1442503946000" ? "33720-1442503946000"
2015/09/23 14:17:17 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "33720-1442503946000" ? "33720-1442503946000"
2015/09/23 14:17:18 kid1| clientIfRangeMatch: Weak ETags are not allowed in If-Range: "33720-1442503946000" ? "33720-1442503946000"
2015/09/23 14:21:21 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'
2015/09/23 14:21:27 kid1| urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'

About "urlParse: Illegal hostname '.xiti.com'" not related, I known the problem 

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