[squid-users] Optimezed???

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Fri Sep 18 11:25:29 UTC 2015

On Friday 18 September 2015 at 13:13:27, Jorgeley Junior wrote:

> hey guys, forgot-me? :(

Surely you can see for yourself how many connections you've had of different 
types?  Here are the most common (all those over 100 instances) from your list 
of 5240 results

> >     290 TAG_NONE/503
> >     368 TCP_DENIED/403
> >    1421 TCP_DENIED/407
> >     680 TCP_MISS/200
> >    1896 TCP_TUNNEL/200


290 (5.5%) got a 503 result (service unavailable)
368 (7%) were denied by the remote server with code 403 (forbidden)
1421 (27%) were deined by the remote server with code 407 (auth required)
680 (13%) were successfully retreived from the remote servers but were not 
previously in your cache
192 (3.6%) were already cached by your browser and didn't need to be retreived
1896 (36%) were successful HTTPS tunneled connections, simply being forwarded 
by the proxy

This accounts for 4847 (92.5%) of your 5240 results.

As you can see, just measuring HIT and MISS is not the whole picture.

Hope that helps,


Pavlov is in the pub enjoying a pint.
The barman rings for last orders, and Pavlov jumps up exclaiming "Damn!  I 
forgot to feed the dog!"

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