[squid-users] nonce_garbage_interval problem?

Athos Fiolo afiolo at came.com
Thu Oct 22 09:58:56 UTC 2015

Hi, I'm facing a problem with the digest auth server responses.

Client requests a page, server responds with 407 + nonce, client gets the page correctly.
At every "200 OK" response the server sends a "Proxy-Authentication-Info: nextnonce ..." header, even if the "nonce_garbage_interval" is 5 minutes.
Client then tries to get the next page using the same auth data used before (this is a client problem, not involving squid), gets a  407 + new nonce, then gets correctly the page making a new request with the new auth params.

The Squid problem here is that the server gives the "nextnonce" header in every "200 OK" response.

POST http://my.server.com/my/page HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
Proxy-Authenticate: [digest info, nonce="<nonce1>"]

POST http://my.server.com/my/page HTTP/1.1
Proxy-Authorization: [digest info, nonce="<nonce1>"]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Proxy-Authentication-Info: nextnonce="<nonce2>"
(gives a new nonce at every 200 OK answer)

POST http://my.server.com/my/page HTTP/1.1
Proxy-Authorization: [digest info, nonce="<nonce1>"]
(client using the old auth params..)

HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
Proxy-Authenticate: [digest info, nonce="<nonce3>"]

POST http://my.server.com/my/page HTTP/1.1
Proxy-Authorization: [digest info, nonce=" <nonce3>"]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Proxy-Authentication-Info: nextnonce="<nonce4>"


squid.conf digest settings:

#  TAG: auth_param
auth_param digest program /usr/bin/php /etc/squid3/mydigestscript.php
auth_param digest children 5
auth_param digest realm MyProxyRealm
auth_param digest nonce_garbage_interval 5 minutes
auth_param digest nonce_max_duration 2 hours
auth_param digest nonce_max_count 50

Any suggestion?

Athos Fiolo
Software Engineer
afiolo at came.com
Came S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Operativa: Via Martiri della Libert?, 15 - 31030 Dosson di Casier - Treviso - Italy
Tel. (+39) 0422 4940 - Fax (+39) 0422 4941 - info at came.com<mailto:info at came.com> - www.came.com<http://www.came.com>

Sede Operativa: Via Cornia, 1/b,c - 33079 Sesto al Reghena - Pordenone - Italy
Tel. (+39) 0434 698111 - Fax (+39) 0434 698434 - infobpt at came.com<mailto:infobpt at came.com> - www.bpt.it<http://www.bpt.it>

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