[squid-users] affinity session load balancing

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon Nov 16 09:41:19 UTC 2015

On Monday 16 November 2015 at 10:35:39, Patrick Chemla wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using squid for years, maybe with basic features, and I have a
> problem today with an app where I need to manage multiple backends, be
> sure that a user is always sent to the same one because the app writes
> on local disk, and I have 80% users coming from same IP.

Is this Squid operating in accelerator mode (in front of the server/s) or in 
proxying mode (being used by the clients)?

> So I need to load balance, not on the soucre IP, and I can't have a
> login on squid to identify each user, because it will create a double
> connexion procedure with the application login.

How does the app distinguish between different clients *without* Squid being 

> Is there a way that squid will recognize a new connexion, maybe same IP,
> and load balnace it to any backend using round-robin? some affinity
> session load balancing?

The first thing needed to answer that is a definition of "session".



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