[squid-users] squid3.4 - MySQL, PHP script - block websites

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sun Nov 15 15:15:19 UTC 2015

On Sunday 15 November 2015 at 15:53:56, Jens Kallup wrote:

> Hello,
> Now, I use the follow script.
> But, it ends in endless search - web browser site search.
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import sys
> import time
> def grant ():
>        sys.stdout.write( 'OK\n' )
> def deny ():
>        sys.stdout.write( 'ERR\n' )
> while True:
>      line = sys.stdin.readline()
>      if (line.find("web.de") > -1):
>          grant()
>      else:
>          deny()
>          time.sleep(1)

1. What are you trying to achieve with the above (or, alternatively, what do 
you believe it should do)?

2. I think you should deal with the following messages in the squid log before 
trying to use the service:

2015/11/15 15:48:33 kid1| ERROR: listen( FD 28, [ job2], 
16383): (98) Address already in use

3. While you're at it, it would be worth correcting the following warnings as 

2015/11/15 15:48:33 kid1| WARNING: log name now starts with a module 
name. Use 'stdio:/sap/squid/log/access.log'
2015/11/15 15:48:33 kid1| WARNING: log name now starts with a module 
name. Use 'stdio:/sap/squid/log/store.log'



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