[squid-users] ssl bump and url_rewrite_program (like squidguard)

Edouard Gaulué edouard at e-gaulue.com
Thu Nov 12 15:09:19 UTC 2015

Le 12/11/2015 13:28, Marcus Kool a écrit :
> I cannot make much of the logs and expect that information is missing.
> But using just logic, it seems that Squid has a problem with the 
> redirect to a CONNECT.
> I suggest to set debug all,9 and to look closely at what happens with 
> the redirection.
> Marcus

I've got a log file but it's rather big (800ko and 80ko gzipped). It's 
got one request with https and the same with http. I can send it to 
anyone interested. On my side, I didn't see anything special but I'm not 
an expert.

I've build a little test server to see how is handled SSL redirection:

https://site-a/index.html   == 302 ==>  https://site-b/index.html

It works well going through squid or not.

So the trouble is really with redirect in case of SSL with squid.

I can do more test/log if requested but I'm sorry to say now my 
knowledges don't leave me go further.

Regards, EG

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