joe chip_pop at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 3 19:06:45 UTC 2015

squid v4.02   
amos is there a way  to stop this mess please or i can say its bug that need
to be more attention to it
TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 131702    same file same size  no mather wat i do
sometime hit  some time TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED and don't tell me pls its
expired or what ever my refresh pattern ar correct and everything fine just
every time i get same file or hit  or TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED  only me on
system fresh install fresh hard-rive fresh debian install i think  you guys
making proxy cache as standard browser so what is the benefit of that proxy
cache suppos to violate rules and cache stuff and suppos to do what we tell
it to do cache object and stay until the time expired in my setting please
lots emportant bug need to be fixed befor adding more futur to squid i dont
see any one focus on important bug just on newer stuff and i dont think
those there is somthing delete thim or change there status unless the code
that shuld keep it in cache not looking at the conf bit of the file 
why its modifyed and the file same size same expiration date shuld be

as i understand  squid look at
file size
date expiery 
+++ if the income header of the file never change why would squid see it as

soryy guys but the more good stuff you add and i admit  squid become faster
and light
but   other code get worth    we are not browser here that why its called
proxy cache
other cache then squid become advanced stealing idea from squid and they do
we suppose to be ahead of them  
again pls dont take it  personally i do love you guys you help us free thank
you allot
but instead of doing better those bug killing us pushing us backward 
its up to us to decide witch control to allow not the regulation of the rfc?
or googles?
again we are as squid cache fans and user tester   not as browser 
sorry again i may b a bit upset but  

View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/TCP-REFRESH-MODIFIED-tp4674325.html
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