[squid-users] dns_ttl positive/negative Squid 3.5.10

FredB fredbmail at free.fr
Mon Nov 2 16:22:03 UTC 2015

> From http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/positive_dns_ttl/
> "Upper limit on how long Squid will cache positive DNS responses."
> Note: "Upper limit" - not "lower limit", or "forced value".
> So, if the DNS response gives you a TTL of 15 minutes, and you've
> specified an
> upper limit of 6 hours, the result is 15 minutes.
> The TTL on looking up "test.google.com" is 60 seconds, so you can
> make your
> cache time shorter than that, but you can't make it longer.

Ok, I was focused on http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/negative_dns_ttl so I missed that
There is also a TTL for failed DNS lookups, I guess my problem is the same

Arg ..

Thank you


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