[squid-users] Problem in Stress Testing Squid Proxy

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sat May 30 06:19:03 UTC 2015

On 29/05/2015 6:19 p.m., Hierony Manurung wrote:
> Dear Fellows,
> I am hitting the wall when I try Stress Testing using Apache JMeter v 2.1.3 in my Distributed Proxy Server.
> For my system, i am using 1 child proxy as the load balancer and 2 parent proxy to receive
> request from child proxy.
> The Problem are :When I try to test with Web Browser (Request a Page), the Squid works normally (Hit, because the object has been store). But when I try stress testing by using Apache JMeter v 2.1.3 (HTTP Request testing) and test the same page the respon is not Hit.
> The Access.log in Child Proxy show :"1432894029.101     25 TCP_MISS/404 708 GET http://tatk.del.ac.id/txt:8080/ land TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_PARENT/parent201.tatk.del.ac.id text/html"
> The Access.log in Parent Proxy show :
> "1432893661.084     68 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 11934 GET http://tatk.del.ac.id/txt/ - DIRECT/ text/html
> 1432893661.084     68 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 11934 GET http://tatk.del.ac.id/txt/ - DIRECT/ text/html"

Three things:

1) TCP_REFRESH_* is a HIT which requires revalidation.

2) these two parent proxy log records do not match the child proxy log

 a) the parent log shows responses completion at a different time from
the child log.

 b) the child log shows the parent proxy not responding to a mangled URL
(see below)

3) you appear to have a URL re-writer embedding a port number into the
URL path... "http://tatk.del.ac.id/txt:8080/" or just a weird URL
requested by the client.


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