[squid-users] about squid trouble

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon May 18 19:25:38 UTC 2015

On Monday 18 May 2015 at 21:05:35 (EU time), Amaury Viera Hernández wrote:

> I work at the University of Computer Sciences at Havana, Cuba (6000
> users aproximately). We surf using squid, but in many ocassions when we
> are surfing I get an error page of exceed quota telling me that the
> cuota of other user is finished. I'm worried, because I think that is
> possible that others users will be surfing with my account and i will be
> surfing with the account of others users. Could you help me please.

We might well be able to help you, but only if you give us some information to 
go on.

For a good start, send us your squid.conf (you can omit comments and blank 
lines), and also describe your network setup - is there just a single Squid 
server, or several; how do clients authenticate to identify the user; and how 
are you implementing quota limits?



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