[squid-users] about squid choose sibing

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon May 4 15:00:18 UTC 2015

On 5/05/2015 12:46 a.m., Guang Wei wrote:
> sibing, cache digests and NetDB
> Squid's network measurement database is designed to measure the proximity of origin servers. In other words, by querying this database, Squid knows how close it is to the origin server.

Not quite. NetDB contains all destination timings including other proxies.

> Think about that
> web server A& parent squid B(located in China), child squid C(in China), child squid D(in USA)
> or 
> web server A & parent squid B(located in China), parent squid C(in China), parent squid D(in USA)

parent of what? child of what?

Please document the connectivity segments in grapviz notation
 (client -> proxyB -> server),
or describe clearly what each network connection is for all connections
or show squid.conf cache_peer lines labelled by proxy.


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