[squid-users] Refresh ACL list only

Marcus Kool marcus.kool at urlfilterdb.com
Tue Mar 17 19:53:28 UTC 2015

On 03/17/2015 04:32 PM, Brendan Kearney wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-03-17 at 16:13 -0300, Marcus Kool wrote:
>> it has a configuration option to respond with
>> 'allow all' during a reconfiguration.
> a Fail-Open policy can be a security gap, and should be considered
> carefully before implementing.  the intention of the whitelisted URLs is
> to prevent access to content that is otherwise forbidden.  failing open,
> even briefly, undermines that control.  what is the default setting
> there?

The default is 'allow all' and can be changed into 'deny all'.
Neither is perfect.

Another related parameter is url-lookup-delay-during-database-reload
which, if set, artificially gives a slow response which significantly
reduces the number of URL queries in the reconfiguration interval.

One can also do the haproxy failover scenario with ufdbguard.

1  load balance using squid1 and squid2
2  load balancer: use squid1 only for new connections and wait 2 seconds
3  ufdbguard2/squid2: ufdbguardd reload and wait 10 seconds
4  load balancer: use squid2 only for new connections and wait 2 seconds
5  ufdbguard1/squid1: ufdbguardd reload and wait 10 seconds
6  load balance using squid1 and squid2

in state 2 existing connections on squid2 are left alone and no new requests come in so it is safe to reconfigure ufdbguard
same for state 4


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