[squid-users] Ipc::Mem::Segment::attach failed to mmap(/squid-squid-page-pool.shm): (12) Cannot allocate memory

FredB fredbmail at free.fr
Thu Mar 12 09:41:30 UTC 2015

> mising whitespace separator between those options.
> '--enable-icap-client' '--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for'
> '--enable-basic-auth-helpers=LDAP,digest'
> '--enable-digest-auth-helpers=ldap,password'
> Syntax: --enable-auth-TYPE=HELPER,LIST
> If you dont use that syntax to explicitly limit the helpers built you
> get the default list of: everything that will build.

Fixed thanks, but same problem

> You may be missing a library, but I'm not aware what off the top of
> my
> head of any particular one.
> Or perhape its the recent issue of workers SUID permissions. I hope
> Christos applies the final patch fixing that today, if not the one in
> squid-dev is usable enough.

Ok I will try, perhaps a specific problem with 32Bits OS ?

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