[squid-users] Redirecting traffic to fake parent

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Mar 5 03:10:05 UTC 2015

On 5/03/2015 4:35 a.m., Sebastian Goicochea wrote:
> The problem is that I'm using Squid 2.7 (I know how behind I am), and I
> need to use the referrer of certain requests and give those url +
> referer to a rewriter program (Posible in v 3.5 as far as I know). So in
> order to achieve this using 2.7 I redirect the traffic to a fake node.js
> proxy, extract what I need, store it on a DB and then the rewriter con
> make a query there and make the proper rewrite. I have that working
> already, but I don't know how to mantain the original IP of the client
> making the request to the very end of the transaction so to the outside
> world it doesn't look that all the requests come from the same client.

In 2.7 the only way is "forwarded_for on" in squid.conf.


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