[squid-users] ssl_bump with cache_peer problem: Handshake fail after Client Hello.

Yuri Voinov yvoinov at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 13:57:55 UTC 2015

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And finally:

HTTPS is used for malware transmission - and we can't scan it!, for porn
viewing, for illegal P2P traffic and others.

And we are the paladines in white robes.

06.07.15 19:34, adam900710 пишет:
> 2015-07-06 20:06 GMT+08:00 Amos Jeffries <squid3 at treenet.co.nz>:
>> On 6/07/2015 9:30 p.m., adam900710 wrote:
>>> Here is some of my experiments:
>>> 1) Remove "never_direct"
>>> Then ssl_bump works as expected, but all traffic doesn't goes through
>>> the SOCKS5 proxy. So a lot of sites I can't access.
>>> 2) Use local 8118 proxy
>>> That works fine without any problem, but SSL_dump is needed...
>>> So just prove privoxy are working.
>>> Any clue?
>>> Also, If I disable "ssl_bump" at http_port line, squid works without
>>> any problem just as a forwarder.
>>> But that makes no sense anyway.
>> Makes perfect sense. Would you like anybody to be able to decrypt your
>> HTTPS traffic and send it as plain-text wherever they want?
>> Squid does not permit that. All inbound encrypted traffic must one way
>> or another leave upstream only by encrypted channels.
> Agree with Yuri, I hate the government (Yeah, especially the f**king
> China gov!) and
> the evil Chinese one has alreayd tried this trick on gmail some month ago.
> That's who forces me to pass the traffic to privoxy, as the Great
> Firewall is already
> blocking me to reach most sites in the open world.
> Also you get a little confused with ssl dump and
> SSL bump in fact doesn't do the black magic to magically decrypt
> everything without cost.
> PKI things still makes you know that some one is bump your SSL
> So normally with SSL bump, you will see a big browser warning about
> the unknown issuer of
> the faked certificates.
> And normal routine like curl will just abort the connection when it
> found the certificate is not valid.
> Although the communication lost the encryption, you can still know you
> are under monitoring.
> And this implement needs you to trust the fake CA.
> If one doesn't trust it, just blacklist the fake CA and use tor or
> whatever to really hide the trace.
> So although the ssl bump destory encryption, but it doesn't destory
> authentication.
> And the combination of ssl bump and cache peer should be allowed if no
> bugs or my configuration error.
> Thanks.
>> Amos
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