[squid-users] acl for redirect

Marcus Kool marcus.kool at urlfilterdb.com
Wed Jul 1 16:11:15 UTC 2015

The article does not say to change from a proxy to a DNS server.
Instead, it says to add an entry for google to your own DNS server (the one that Squid uses) and continue to use your proxy.


> Marcus,
> This is multiple servers used for thousands of customers across North America, not an office, so changing from a proxy to a DNS server is not an option, since we would also be required to change all
> several thousand of our customers DNS settings.
> On 6/30/2015 17:30 PM, Marcus Kool wrote:
>> I suggest to read this:
>> https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/186669
>> and look at option 3 of section 'Keep SafeSearch turned on for your network'
>> Marcus

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