[squid-users] Fwd: Squid 3.4.10 RPMs release for CentOS 32 and 64 bit.

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Sun Jan 25 05:50:01 UTC 2015

Hey Daniel,

If it was not mentioned anywhere else then this thread is the place:
CentOS 7 packages are in the Testing phase and will might not be stable 
enough for production.
If you may look at the RPMs my packaging of squid is a bit different 
then the mainstream.
One of the main differences is that the "squid" package contains only 
the CORE squid binaries configurations and docs.
All the non-CORE helpers are in the package "squid-helpers".
You will find ssl-crtd in squid-helpers package.
If you may wish to see the files inside each and every package you can 
use the command "rpm -qlp package_file_name.rpm".

Take your time to peek at the wiki page:

All The Bests,

On 25/01/2015 02:52, Daniel Greenwald wrote:
> Eliezer- I have installed the squid 3.5 on centos 7 from your repo, the
> version is:
> squid-
> Problem is I am not finding ssl_crtd:
> find -name ssl_crtd
> returns nothing.
> But squid -v
> does show --enable-ssl-crtd
> Should I just build from source or am I missing something?
> Thanks!
> -----------
> Daniel I Greenwald

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