[squid-users] Memory Leak Squid 3.4.9 on FreeBSD 10.0 x64

Eugene M. Zheganin eugene at zhegan.in
Thu Jan 15 13:31:27 UTC 2015


On 12.01.2015 19:06, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> I am confident that those types of leaks do not exist at al in Squid 3.4.
> These rounds of mmory exhaustion problems are caused by pseudo-leaks,
> where Squid incorrectly holds onto memory (has not forgotten it
> though) far longer than it should be.
Could you please clarify for me what is the "Long Strings" pool and how
can I manage it's size ?
After start the largest consuming pool is the mem_node one, but it
usually stops increasing after a few days (somewhere around the
cache_memory border - don't know if it's it, or just a coincedence).
"Long Strings", however, keep raising and raising, and after some days
it becomes the largest one.

I'm using the following settings:
cache_mem 512 MB
cache_dir diskd /var/squid/cache 1100 16 256

after few days SNMP reports that the clients amount is around 1700.


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