[squid-users] ssl cert wiki

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Mon Jan 12 16:04:30 UTC 2015

Hey hack,

 From the comments in the past I am unsure what you are after...
If you are using ssl-bump you should first learn about how ssl works and 
about the differences between encrypted traffic to verification of a 
public key.
I must admit that these topic are not marked as an easy one.
Since these topics are a part of the LPIC-3 303 exam this means it one 
of the most advanced topics there are in the linux world.

The link you mentioned is talking about a situation of a reverse proxy 
which is very different from the ssl-bump way of action.
Notice that the only reason that https_port is being used for ssl-bump 
is a technical one.


On 12/01/2015 16:20, HackXBack wrote:
> how it didnt work while i found articles in google saying that it work for
> them
> like this one:
> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/ssl-intermediate-chain-warning-917476/

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