[squid-users] Growing cache.log

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Wed Jan 7 13:19:51 UTC 2015

Hey (Is it Jerome? or Vernet?),

Is there a chance you can test it with a newer version of squid?
What OS are you using?
Can you share your squid.conf?


On 06/01/2015 14:38, Vernet Jerome wrote:
> Hi,
> Since yesterday, my Squid cache.log grow very fast, about 250Mb per hour. Lot of messages like this one:
> 2015/01/06 13:16:31| WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field {24eb927c; put_2588=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2261=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2616=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2554=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2556=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2618=48b1dcc8-a78f-4800-9595-62f724eb927c; put_2650=80b864ea-dfe2-4835-a873-5613e0a33cc7; put_3105=1493c585fea-b33b5cd2-910a-4fc3-a6d2-5d8d1991f95e; put_3470=rOmY83fj5OYxSa5ijLx2; put_2909=1709bdb9520f10329958d1e869962e1f; put_3734=44209251ce644a0c; put_3176=74i}
> Or
> 2015/01/06 13:34:43| tunnelConnectTimeout(): tunnelState->servers is NULL
> Any idea what's going on ? How can I suppress these warning ?

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