[squid-users] Remote configuration management software for managing Squid proxies?

Yuri Voinov yvoinov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 11:57:34 UTC 2015


26.02.15 17:39, Greg пишет:
> Hi all,
> I'm a ~beginner sysadmin starting managing a flock of (10+) existing
> Squid proxies in different VPS companies. Right now it's a mix of
> different OSes and Squid versions, some of them are rather old, and
> all is managed manually over SSH - I'd very much like to roll out a
> better set of proxies, installing and managing them from a central
> interface.
> I know there are configuration management software (
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open-source_configuration_management_software
> ), just don't know their limitations - which is usually well hidden
> and will pop up when you're already in neck deep. Most of them don't
> seem to give full access to the Squid config file anyway.
> I'm hoping some of you already manages Squid proxies from a central
> interface and can share your experiences.
> What I'm looking for:
> - Free and preferably FLOSS, being maintained
> - Can pick up existing machines using different distributions and
> versions (Juju fails here), playing well with our changes done on the
> servers (no need to revert to stored config if config changes on the
> server)
> - Can manage the full Squid config incl. eg. refresh_pattern and
> httpd_suppress_version_string without having to learn and write
> Python/Ruby/... code (Chef-Puppet-Ansible-Salt-OPSI seem to fail here?
> It seems these were not designed for this scenario and just support
> the most important settings)
> - Can read (!) and write config files on the server
> - Can restart services and show their status
> - Can list and install packages
> - Preferably has a GUI, even better if there's one for Windows
> Any tips and experience with some related software?
> Best regards,
> Greg
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