[squid-users] Curious about: ipcacheParse: No Address records

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Feb 26 05:20:07 UTC 2015

On 26/02/2015 6:08 p.m., dan at getbusi.com wrote:
> Thanks Amos!
> I reckon that dns_packet_max directive might be playing into it. Most of the problematic hostnames seem to return large pools of IPs.

Well, its not doing anything by default. But can be turned on to gain.

Just be aware that your firewall and routing software all along the DNS
pathways needs to support EDNS0 and large UDP packets. Its off by
default because some popular devices (cheap Cisco kit / Linksys /
DynaLink in my experience, but not necessarily only them) often crash
when these type of DNS packets are delivered over them.


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