[squid-users] Squid 3.5 Reverse proxy. Pinger... icp/htcp

Tory M Blue tmblue at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 16:59:02 UTC 2015


I'm getting further along with my testing and am trying to go the route of
lcp or htcp since I have a 3 squid cache cluster.

So the questions are..

1) What is the best debug level to set in order to see either icp or htcp
information? (I've been using tcpdump at the server level, just to see if I
can see traffic (and I'm not) :)

2) I've got the reported pinger exiting errors and wondering if this is why
icp or htcp doesn't seem to be working?

[@cache01]# tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Configuring Sibling
2015/02/25 08:46:42| pinger: Initialising ICMP pinger ...
2015/02/25 08:46:42| pinger: ICMP socket opened.
2015/02/25 08:46:42| pinger: ICMPv6 socket opened
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Finished loading MIME types and icons.
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Accepting reverse-proxy HTTP Socket connections
at local=[::]:80 remote=[::] FD 9 flags=9
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Accepting ICP messages on [::]:3130
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Sending ICP messages from [::]:3130
2015/02/25 08:46:42 kid1| Accepting SNMP messages on [::]:3401
2015/02/25 08:47:02| Pinger exiting

3) how do I tell squid to ignore ipv6 and concentrate on ipv4?

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