[squid-users] ACL Check for Established Connections

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Mon Feb 23 19:49:04 UTC 2015

Hey Deniz,

Squid is an HTTP proxy and is built upon the idea of a "request" and a 
Currently squid code allows and do couple things as the request starts.
The only option I can think of that can "do" what you need is ICAP or 
ECAP which can inspect the traffic on the fly when it flows from the 
server to the client else then on the request side.
external_acl cannot do you what you need\want.

All The Bests,
Eliezer Croitoru

On 23/02/2015 14:33, Deniz Eren wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an authentication system that authenticates a connection after
> 10-20 packet flows and I want to integrate this authentication system
> with squid using external_acl functionality. However when I inspected
> squid, I realized that it asks external_acl tool only when connection
> is being established. Is there a way to force squid to check ACLs for
> already established connections periodically?
> Regards
> Deniz Eren

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