[squid-users] A little help with squid and e-cap

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Feb 12 08:18:59 UTC 2015

On 12/02/2015 6:54 p.m., Luis Miguel Silva wrote:
> Dear all,
> This might not be the ideal place to ask questions about e-cap but, since
> e-cap's mailing list is not working, I decided to ask my question here.
> So, here goes:
> - *My ecap service only seems to work on some pages*...
> -- I've added the following configuration to my squid.conf:
> loadable_modules /usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_modifying.so
> ecap_enable on
> ecap_service ecapModifier respmod_precache 0 ecap://
> e-cap.org/ecap/services/sample/modifying victim=professor
> replacement=teacher
> adaptation_access ecapModifier allow all
> -- unfortunately, it *only seems to work some times* (e.g. for instance, it
> works on this one <http://www.pedagua.com/lmsilva/> [
> http://www.pedagua.com/lmsilva/] but not on this one
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor> [
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor]).
> -- *any idea on how I can debug why? access_log and cache.log aren't very
> helpful.*

With debug_options 93,9 and/or debug traces in your adapter code itself.

> - *Does squid obey any specific order between ICAP and E-CAP calls?*


> -- for instance, if the E-CAP module changes the content, will the ICAP
> service receive the changed content OR the original content?


> -- *does ecap and icap directive order in squid.conf matter?*

No. The order of execution is configured explicitly with
<http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/adaptation_service_chain/> and/or

> - *Is each ecap_service loaded on each page load?*
> -- Or does it preload a couple of ecap_services and keep using those over
> and over again (just like it does with c-icap and redirect_programs?)
> -- I can see each ecap module implements configure, reconfigure, start,
> stop and retire methods so...it SHOULD be possible to preload the script
> and just call reconfigure on each call. What does Squid do?

No. Yes. Squid loads a library.

> p.s. I'm using squid 3.4.9 (compiled from source), with libecap 0.2 and I'm
> using the ecap adapter sample package v0.2.1.
> Thank you,
> Luis


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