[squid-users] light weight ICAP server that isn't dead :o)

Luis Miguel Silva luismiguelferreirasilva at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 23:00:32 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I'm looking for a light weight (opensource) ICAP server project that isn't
I need to create some custom content filters but, I'm having a hard time
finding an ICAP server that is being actively worked on...

In the squid wiki <http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/ICAP#ICAP_Servers>,
I was able to find the following ICAP server implementations:
- C-ICAP <http://c-icap.sourceforge.net/>
-- lates release was in October 2014 (which is pretty good) but the latest
version is 0.3.5. *How stable is it?*
- Traffic Spicer <http://spicer.measurement-factory.com/>
-- Squid's docs point to this page <http://spicer.measurement-factory.com/>
but I couldn't even figure out where to download it or find any
documentation for it.
- ICAP-Server <http://icap-server.sourceforge.net/>
-- latest version for it is 1.2.1 but it is dated from October 30, 2002.
- POESIA <http://www.poesia-filter.org/>
-- this one points to a German page that doesn't seem to have anything to
do with ICAP...
- GreasySpoon <http://greasyspoon.sourceforge.net/>
-- this one seems to have been discontinued

The most interesting one seems to be C-ICAP but I don't like that it hasn't
even reached a 1.0 version...

What do you guys recommend I adopt?

Thank you,
Luis Silva
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