[squid-users] Tunnelled devices losing access to squid

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Feb 6 15:15:57 UTC 2015

On 7/02/2015 3:37 a.m., Raymond Norton wrote:
> I have the following scenario:
>  We have a number of Verizon Aps configured to run associated devices
> through a GRE
> tunnel between Verizon and our network, using a subnet which
> is NATed to a public address. Policy based routing sends all
> port 80 and 443 traffic originating from to qlproxy IP
> ( (squid proxy). IPtables on qlproxy box port-forwards all 80
> and 443 traffic to 3126 & 3127. Qlproxy (4.0) has appropriate
> transparent and ssl_bump rules to process incoming traffic.
> Squid logs show the request for web pages is made via the policy based
> routing (Mikrotik Firewall/Router), but nothing is returned to the
> requesting device. It just simply times out after a long wait.

Considered Path-MTU discovery?

Make sure that ICMP (and ICMPv6) are enabled and working on all networks
the traffic traverses between Squid and the devices.


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