[squid-users] Installing Squid as a service on Oracle Linux 7.2
Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca
Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca
Tue Dec 15 20:29:09 UTC 2015
Your answer didn’t help me.
Does it have anyone who create a service file for squid and want to share it.
I tried the squid.service from the yum package (v3.3.8) but it didn’t work.
De : squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] De la part de Yuri Voinov
Envoyé : 15 décembre 2015 10:35
À : squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Objet : Re: [squid-users] Installing Squid as a service on Oracle Linux 7.2
Hash: SHA256
Squid's source don't contain automatically installed autostart services for all possible platforms. You can do it yourself.
15.12.15 21:15, Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca<mailto:Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca> пишет:
> Hi,
> I hope all is going perfectly for you.
> Im trying to install Squid-3.5.12 from source.
> I followed the doc to compile it properly.
> When I ran squid -z, all is perfect.
> [root at squid /]# squid -z
> [root at squid /]# 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Set Current
Directory to /var/spool/squid
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Creating missing swap directories
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| /var/spool/squid exists
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> 2015/12/15 10:06:20 kid1| Making directories in
> But when I try to « service squid start », it fails... There
is no squid.service.
> [root at squid /]# service squid start
> Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start squid.service
> Failed to start squid.service: Unit squid.service failed to
load: No such file or directory.
> I searched for a doc how to create this file but I can't find
> Can you help me please ?
> Sébastien Boulianne
> Administrateur réseau & système / Network & System
> Gestion des infrastructures / Infrastructure Management.
> CCNA / CompTIA Server+ / Spécialiste en monitoring.
sebastien.boulianne at cpu.ca<mailto:sebastien.boulianne at cpu.ca><mailto:sebastien.boulianne at cpu.ca><mailto:sebastien.boulianne at cpu.ca>
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