[squid-users] [squid related software] Web Safety ICAP Filter 4.3 for Squid is available

Rafael Akchurin rafael.akchurin at diladele.com
Thu Dec 10 08:16:48 UTC 2015

Greetings everyone,

Version 4.3.0.B716 of Web Safety ICAP Filter for Squid is now available. We have finally added support for working with Squid on FreeBSD 10 and pfSense 2.2. In this version we tried to concentrate on better reporting, SSL bump root certificate management from Web UI and better dashboard exposing some Squid statistics (via squidclient).

More specifically, this version contains the following bug fixes and improvements:

- Monitoring information is now collected and processed by a specific standalone monitoring server wsmgrd. It is responsible for upload of monitoring information into configured database and generation of Surfing Now real time information, Surfing History and reports. Report upload was heavily optimized so hopefully the ever running Python upload scripts are now history. Please take into account the report generation is still being done by Python so it may still be slow on huge traffic. We plan to concentrate on this in version 4.4.

- We now added the Web UI for management of Root CA ssl bump certificates for the Squid proxy. It is now very simple to generate your own trusted root SSL decryption certificate, back up or upload your own pre-generated certificate all from Web UI.

- Web UI has a new and remastered dashboard with charts of CPU activity, RAM and SWAP used by Squid, ICAP server and monitoring daemon, various system information and history of last connections processed by Squid. Surfing Now and Surfing History allow searching for not only incident id as before but also for host, address, user name, etc.

We now have two preconfigured sample virtual appliances for Ubuntu 14 LTS and CentOS 7 (experimental) available at our site. Please if you have issues/bugs with Web UI or ICAP server do not hesitate to report to support at diladele.com. All other issues are better reported to squid Bugzilla.

Best regards,
Diladele B.V. Dev Team.

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