[squid-users] peek and splice content inspection question

wmunny william wmunny at mail.com
Sun Aug 23 13:43:10 UTC 2015

> Looking for one single thing that does everything DG or e2guardian do,
> or wraps them completely is the wrong approach. They are almost
> full-blown proxies like Squid.
> The *CAP design is to leave all the transfer proxying and caching duties
> to software like Squid and only perform the actual content adaptation
> policies in the service/module.
> You need to look at what DG is doing for you now and how much of that is
> available from squid.conf capabilities. Most of it usually is. Only the
> remaining "fiddling with payloads" bit actually needs a third-party service.

Yes I know that Squid is very powerful, but (DG or E2) seems - to me - more easier with complex rules
I'm working with multi users groups, regex in HTML, rules with exceptions (site allowed if some conditions), etc

I guess if I reproduce my configuration in squid.conf it will be more hard to maintain after ..
Also these soft are massively multi-threaded, in my usage squid + dg use less CPU than Squid alone I mean the load is shared by the cores. 
I also tried squid with SMP but there are some restrictions (delay pool, identification - if I remember right -)  

> GreasySpoon or qlproxy seems to be the high profile ones. c-icap and
> Traffic Spicer seem to offer frameworks rather than pre-made filters
> <http://www.squid-cache.org/Misc/icap.html>
> The interfaces GreasySpoon or qlproxy describe say easily scriptable to
> do filtering. Though filtering is a huge topic, so "easily" is up for
> interpretation.

Thanks, I will take a look 

> And fiddling around with your customers content is very site-specific
> about what can or can't be done. Thus the frameworks and script engines
> being most high profile.

Yes you are right, I wish that there is a change in E2, for me the ideal situation is SQUID (cache and identification) and a pool of E2 with ICAP
I guess that there is no hope for SquidGuard because it's very different, a redirector related with Squid

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