[squid-users] Going into hit-only-mode for 5 minutes

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Apr 15 08:30:08 UTC 2015

On 15/04/2015 6:04 a.m., Baird, Josh wrote:
>>> Could anyone offer any suggestions or advice to help figure out what is
>> causing these problems?
>> 1) upgrade.
>> 2) seriously, upgrade.
>> 3) try adding "via on" to your squid.conf. If you start to get warnings about
>> forwarding loops its working. Otherwise you got big problems - see (2).
> Could the 'Going into hit-only-mode for 5 minute' messages be attributed to spotty/slow DNS resolution, though?  When a proxy is in 'hit-only-mode,' is it able to respond to normal (non ICP) clients?

Could be many things. It just means Squid has noticed ICP queries are
taking too long to respond to so its only responding to the HIT ones for
a while.

The problem is usually elsewhere, and you have plenty of other clues
about problems with the socket exhaustion and DNS issues to fix. The ICP
behaviour is very minor compared to those.


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