[squid-users] Auth conf help

Balázs Szabados szabados0701 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 21:46:30 UTC 2015

Possile Problem #1:
 digest_pw_auth has not existed in some years. The helpers correct
current name is digest_file_auth. Please upgrade.

In the openwrt repository, I can only find Squid 2.7, and I can't upgrade
to newer.
Can I make this work somehow, with the current setup?

Possible Problem #2:
 when wrong credentials are presented the "http_access allow password"
will NOT require new ones. It will just skip to the next line - which is
an implicit "deny all"

Use this instead:
  http_access deny !password
  http_access allow localnet

Tried it, but the issue persists. Actually, I just noticed that the
http_access allow localnet already was present in the config, I forgot to
include in my previous mail.

Possible Problem #3:
 the client you are testing with may not support Digest authentication.
In the current Squid releases use "debug_options 11,2" in squid.conf to
get a cache.log trace of the HTTP headers the client is sending.

I've tried with IExplorer, Chrome and curl, I see this in the access log:

2 TCP_DENIED/407 1722 GET http://www.bing.com/news? user1
NONE/- text/html

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