[squid-users] how to obtain info about actual active downloads?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at hanzlici.cz
Tue Oct 28 23:57:57 UTC 2014

Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
> On 27/10/14 11:47, Antony Stone wrote:
>> On Monday 27 October 2014 at 14:32:39 (EU time), Frantisek Hanzlik wrote:
>>> Please, what is best way for determining who squid clients (their
>>> PC IP addresses) have which downloads active?
>>> I want it to determine which clients burden our slow internet line.
>>> Examining 'access.log' does not help much in this case, because users
>>> can download large files and it may take a few minutes or hours (e.g.
>>> in case of consuming some audio/video streams).
>> I would use the tool 'iptraf', either running on your squid server, or on a
>> machine which can sniff your internal network traffic (possibly with the
>> use of a
>> spanning port on the switch).
>> That can give you real-time bandwidth measurements per IP address.

Hi Antony,
thanks for reply. I know and use iptraf[-ng], but in this case it
isn't ideal:
- I want to use it as well as non-IT people with windos PCs, thus I
 prefer something like www interface.
- To decide whether it is legal working download or something
 inappropriate is very useful to know what URL download is.

First point could be met with something like ntop/ntopng, but for
 the second is probably necessary to inquire directly squid.

>     I use this script:
> http://samm.kiev.ua/sqstat/
>     Set it to auto-update on 15/15 seconds, for example, and you'll have a
> great and easy way to evaluate active connections and high bandwidth use
> connections.

Leonardo, thanks for this info and link - it is presumably exactly
what I wanted. I tried sqstat-1.20, but unfortunately last version
1.20 is ~8 years old and probably works with some older squid version
 - according to squid log, sqstat makes inquiries
"GET cache_object://localhost/active_requests"
and want "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" reply - but squid-3.3.13 now return
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK".
And even I correct this, there is still some bad, all my hosts have
IP (on IPv4-only LAN). Maybe from squid-3.3 returned data are
different than these from older squids for what was sqstat then written.
But I'll try to play with it even more.

Franta Hanzlik

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