[squid-users] ext_ldap_group_acl & Zimbra LDAP

donald at infomed.sld.cu donald at infomed.sld.cu
Tue Oct 28 17:14:52 UTC 2014

Hello people, for 2 days I was looking around de web for the correct  
filter to use SQUID ext_ldap_group_acl to verify the Zimbra group of  
an authenticate user but I'm tired right now. Because of that I  
looking for the answer here.

I use Squid 3.3.8 on Ubuntu Server 14.04 and ZCS 8.5, the filter for  
users works OK, the acl for the groups is the next:

external_acl_type Grupos_ZCS %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid3/ext_ldap_group_acl  
-R -v 3 -b "dc=ejemplo,dc=local" -D "uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra"  
-w "secretPass" -f "(&(uid=%u)(objectClass=zimbraAccount))" -h

The -f filter not work, I tried a lot of filters but none work, I hope  
somebody can help me. Last, sorry my english, thanks...

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