[squid-users] Squid not accounting server response

Satish Thareja satishthareja at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 11:20:34 UTC 2014


I trying to get a video cached wherein the client sends a range
request for the video object(Range: bytes=36798-103701442) which gets
converted to request without range(range_offset_limit set to 10MB).

What I see, is after squid serves the client request and gets about
103262382 bytes of data, there is no further reads on the server side
file descriptor and the server side connection times out after 15
minutes(timeout limit).

But the packet capture on the squid machine suggest that the whole
object is being sent by the server and squid is seeing upto 103262382
bytes only.
Is this a known issue with squid?


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