[squid-users] RFC2616 headers in bumped requests

Steve Hill steve at opendium.com
Thu Nov 20 10:51:11 UTC 2014

On 17/11/14 22:05, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> Would you mind running an experiment for me?
> To see what happens if Squid delivers either of these Via headers
> instead of its current output:
>   Via: HTTPS/1.1 iceni2.opendium.net (squid/3.4.9)

The HTTPS/1.1 one appears to work correctly.

>   Via: TLS/1.2 iceni2.opendium.net (squid/3.4.9)

The web server produces the same broken redirect as before when I send

> Setting it with request_header_access/replace should do.

I've tested this in Squid with request_header_access/replace and
confirmed with openssl's s_client directly.


 - Steve Hill
   Technical Director
   Opendium Limited     http://www.opendium.com

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