[squid-users] squid cache Large rock with aufs optimization for bandwidth saving

Ahmed Allzaeem ahmed.zaeem at netstream.ps
Mon Nov 17 00:26:35 UTC 2014

Hi Amos , thanks for reply.

But I think using large rock will let the memory cache size be >32 ??? am  I correct ?

I mean although im not using rock store , but I was thinking will have memory size >32Kb

So , I keep the aufs size which I assume will help me and will let me break the 32kB limitation .. but it seems not like I was planning !!!!

So m my previous config was using aufs with large rock needed in memory size which is not what I was planning ?!!!! can you plz explain me why my previous config don’t have luck with memory >> 32KB??

So for now , as u told me I removed all aufs drivers and added only rock dir as below :

cache_dir rock /ssd1 90000 max-size=32768 swap-timeout=350 max-swap-rate=350
cache_dir rock /ssd2 90000 max-size=32768 swap-timeout=350 max-swap-rate=350
cache_dir rock /ssd3 90000 max-size=32768 swap-timeout=350 max-swap-rate=350 
cache_dir rock /ssd4 30000 max-size=32768 swap-timeout=350 max-swap-rate=350  

And only mean size I can see now is 18 Kb ??!!!!

Why ???

I had tried another trial , I put memory_cache_shared off , squid cant be started all all kids is being killed and stared again  and so on !

Sample of logs :
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1| Closing HTTP port xxxx
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1| Closing HTTP port xxxxxx
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
2014/11/16 09:18:28 kid1|   Took 0.00 seconds (  0.00 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 8.235 seconds = 8.049 user + 0.186 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 381440 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Current Directory is /root
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Starting Squid Cache version 3.HEAD-20141105-r13687 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Service Name: squid
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Process ID 2925
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Process Roles: worker
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Process Roles: worker
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| With 131072 file descriptors available
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| With 131072 file descriptors available
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Initializing IP Cache...
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| Initializing IP Cache...
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| DNS Socket created at [::], FD 10
2014/11/16 09:18:30 kid5| DNS Socket created at, FD 11

I wish you help me with a good squid.conf file that can help me in saving bw as I can !


-----Original Message-----
From: Amos Jeffries [mailto:squid3 at treenet.co.nz] 
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:07 PM
To: Ahmed Allzaeem
Cc: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] squid cache Large rock with aufs optimization for bandwidth saving

Hash: SHA1

On 17/11/2014 2:24 a.m., Ahmed Allzaeem wrote:
> Hi Amos , thank you
> Really sorry to ask you  , wts needed to be done to use largerock 
> support ?

Example 5GB rock cache;

 cache_dir rock /ssd1 5000

> I mean wt wring im doing ?
> Also about the cace_mem directive , as I understood this value  per 
> worker or per process. And here im not using rock , so its not shared 
> , I have about 32 Gram total.


You are using workers, so it is shared unless you configure:
  memory_cache_shared off

Note this: "Currently, entities exceeding 32KB in size cannot be shared.".
 I am not sure if that was fixed when large-rock support was added.
Should have been, but maybe not.

For most of the per-worker settings you have are undone by the global settings at the end of the config between http_port and WCCP config.

> Can you correct nme about setting cache_mem  directive ? also guide me 
> wts needed to enable caching large object size like 512k - 1 M or even 
> 2 M

Try "memory_cache_shared off" at the top of your config.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)


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