[squid-users] Removing cache credentials

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sat Nov 15 05:28:22 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 15/11/2014 5:21 p.m., santosh wrote:
> Hello Team,
> I have set-up squid proxy server with ldap authentication , the 
> infrastructure is setup in such a way that users have to access the
> internet through the proxy .In Internet explorer there's an option
> to save the credntials and once its saved during the prompt squid
> wont ask for credentials the user will have direct access to
> internet .

Wrong and wrong.
HTTP (thus Squid) is stateless. Each and every single request requires
the credentials necessary to pass that request through the proxy.

Whenever the credentials are missing or invalid Squid WILL ask. The
browser and only the browser can decide what credentials (if any) are
sent on the request.

> I understand this is an browser issue is there a way in squid which
> can prevent the caching of credentials

Do you have a time machine? The browser actions happen long before
Squid ever hears about the credentials for the first time.

> or give a timeout so that the user is prompted to reauthenticate 
> from squid . I have searched on web all i get is help on disabling
> the credential cache of windows .

Re-authenticate is another matter. The only way to do this is to tell
the browser the credentials it is sending are invalid.

Timeout is one way to trigger re-authentication. Validity TTL is the
business of the background authentication system you are using to
check the credentials validity (the auth helper).

So why are you trying to force frustration and annoyance on your users?


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