[squid-users] Assistance with knowing what I'm really trying to do

James Lay jlay at slave-tothe-box.net
Sun Nov 2 22:12:47 UTC 2014

A weird question....I guess I need to find out exactly what I'm wanting
before going further with trying to get peek to work.  So here's a small
example of what I currently have.  From my .conf file:

acl broken_sites dst
http_access allow broken_sites
ssl_bump splice broken_sites

logformat common %>a %[ui %[un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st %Ss:%
Sh %ssl::>cert_subject

This currently works (no cert_subject though)...log entry shown:

Nov  2 14:23:24 gateway (squid-1): - -
[02/Nov/2014:14:23:24 -0700] "CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 200

Now this is required as the above will not function if bumped.

At work, we use a commercial proxy which we do not use any ssl
inspection.  These connections show up as, for example:

tcp://www.whateversite.com  TCP_DENIED

And that's what I'm hoping to achieve here...determine what the site is,
and allow or denied it, without having to actually do any SSL
inspection.  Will peek/stare accomplish this?  Or am I restricted to
bump/inspection only, which for a fair amount of sites (facebook,
instagram, google mail, etc) does not work.  Thanks all...I appreciate
any advice.


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